
As we step into the New Year, we’d like to share important next steps for your students in the SMART Scholarship application process.


Key Next Steps:


  • Fall 2024 GPA Confirmation:

Applicants must log into the portal to report their most recent GPA, regardless of whether they were enrolled in Fall 2024. Faculty can assist students in verifying their GPA and, if necessary, with GPA conversion.

  • Selections and Interviews (January – March 2025):

Between January and March, sponsoring facilities will review completed applications and schedule interviews. To help applicants prepare for potential interview, SMART is hosting an Interview Tips webinar on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 3PM EST. Applicants may register using the following link:

A recording of the webinar will be sent to all registrants.

  • Awards (April 2025):

Award notifications will be sent in April, and students will have 14 days to accept or decline the award. Faculty may play an essential role in assisting students with tasks related to award acceptance, such as uploading the transcripts and completing the educational work plan. As a note, the educational work plan requires a signature from the student’s advisor.

  • Site Visits (May – July 2025):

Site visits are an opportunity for awardees to visit their sponsoring facilities in-person and meet with their future teams, employers, tour the facilities, and familiarize themselves with their new environment.

  • Awardee Orientation (July 2025):

In July, awardees are required to attend an in-person orientation to network with their peers, SMART scholars and sponsoring facility POCs. This event is an opportunity to prepare students for their SMART journey.

  • New Cohort (August 1, 2025):

Awardees will officially begin their Phase 1 academic pursuit as SMART scholars on August 1, 2025.


Published on January 6th, 2025Last updated on January 6th, 2025