You’re invited to Oracle’s “Tech-Z” webinar on Friday, October 7th from 12-1PM PST/3-4PM EST. During this session, you’ll get the opportunity to hear from Oracle’s Gen-Z employees and hear about our open Intern and Grad jobs. Please register through the link below to secure your spot!
Registration: CLICK HERE
Webinar Details:
We are hosting a session with “Tech-Z,” a group of Gen-Z employees at Oracle who are committed to showing the untapped potential of young adults in tech. Tech-Z plans to break the mold and display what the technology industry is all about and help students break in, too. It’s going to be a fun session to learn more about Tech-Z and Oracle student career opportunities. You can learn more prior to the session through the resources below. We hope to see you there!
- Video: Introducing Tech-Z
- Blog: What Generation Z really means for the Future of Work
- For more information on careers at Oracle, visit