On-Campus Recruiting Agreement

Viterbi Career Connections (VCC) Agreement

This agreement is for all USC Viterbi Engineering students participating in USC-hosted or sponsored recruitment activities, events, or platforms. The purpose is to inform students of: 
  1. their responsibilities to conduct themselves appropriately and ethically in all interactions with employers

  2. the responsibilities of the Viterbi Career Connections (VCC) Office, and

  3. the responsibilities of Employers.

Review each section carefully. If you do not understand any part of this agreement, seek clarification from a staff member of the VCC Office.

VCC agrees to:  

Provide Services: Assist you with your job and internship search, career development, and career decision-making activities.  

Career Information: Provide access to a range of career opportunities, industry information, and employers looking for engineering talent.  

Non-Discrimination: Provide access and reasonable accommodations to students and prospective employers without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.  

Protect Confidentiality: Abide by the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and exercise sound judgment and fairness in maintaining your confidentiality.  

Student Advocacy: Respond to student concerns about Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)Department of Labor (DOL), or Title IX compliance, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Ethical Professional Practices, or unethical behavior of employers(Review the Employer On-Campus Recruitment Policies.) 

Follow-up with those posting suspicious vacancies, when possible, and consult with students who believe they have been deceived by organizations posing as legitimate employers. Evidence of this behavior includes requests for personal information (i.e. social security numbers or credit card numbers) and requests for money. If you are suspicious of such an organization, do not respond to them and please share details with us at vcareers@usc.edu 


Supplying false information in your profile, resume, application materials, on employer career portals, or creating duplicate accounts/profiles to meet interview requirements is unethical. You should confirm that your job search materials are truthful and accurate to the best of your ability. Providing inaccurate information throughout the job search, interview, or hiring processes may lead to undesirable consequences from employers (I.e., rescinding job offers).

If you are unsure of how to present your background in the profile, please consult a VCC Career Advisor by scheduling an appointment on Handshake or participating in Drop-In Hours.

On-Campus Interviews


On-campus interviewing (OCI) is competitive and highly sought after by all studentsWhen scheduled through Handshake, OCI is only available to currently enrolled Viterbi students. USC students outside of Viterbi, Viterbi Alumni, and Viterbi minors are not eligible.  

You should only sign up for interviews with employers with whom you are interested in working. Doing otherwise may deprive another student of a valuable interview opportunity. 

Cancellation & Missed Interview Policy

Missing interviews inconveniences the employer and may have more serious ramifications on Viterbi's relationships with the impacted employers. Therefore, VCC treats these incidents very seriously and advises you to take special note of the following Cancellation and Missed Interview Policy.  

Student Responsibilities

Always investigate an alternate date with the employer before you cancel an interview. It is your responsibility to speak with the employer and explain why you will not be attending the interview. Please note that students cannot cancel an interview with one employer to attend an interview with another employer.

If you need to cancel an interview, do so on Handshake at least three business days prior to the interview date to avoid a “No-Show” status. To cancel an interview:

  • Log into Handshake -> Go to “my meetings”  or
  • Contact the Career Connections Team at 213-740-9677 or visit the Viterbi Career Connections office (RTH 218)

The following actions apply to students who miss on-campus interviews and who have not informed VCC prior to the interview: 

  1. If you miss an interview for any unexplained reason, you will be required to write a letter of apology to the recruiter explaining your reason for missing the interview. This must be submitted to the VCC Office (vcareers@usc.edu), within two business days of the missed interview, which in turn will be forwarded to the recruiter on your behalf. Failure to do so will result in a suspension of your interviewing and employer event privileges until the letter is received.
  1. If you incur a second unexplained “no show,” your recruiting privileges, including campus job search platforms, events, and interview access, will be suspended immediately and for the remainder of the current and following regular academic semester (fall/spring). You will be required to submit a letter of apology to the recruiter and justify missing the interview to the satisfaction of the Viterbi Career Connections Office before your privileges will be reinstated.
  1. A third “no show” will result in termination of your interviewing privileges for the rest of your tenure at Viterbi and will not be eligible for reinstatement.

* Note: When a student is blocked from further use of the system, the student is still responsible for attending all previously scheduled interview appointments. 

Appointments & Events


Events offer students an opportunity to practice professional skills and connect with employers. Though VCC and employers do their best to accommodate all interested students, availability is limited based on time and space capacity. Please RSVP responsibly in order not to deprive other students of participating. If attending an event, indicate your participation via RSVP. If you are no longer able to attend, update your RSVP to reflect the change at least three business days before the event. In the case of an emergency, if you are unable to attend the event and it is less than three business days prior, please notify VCC as soon as possible at vcareers@usc.edu or (213) 740-9677.

NoteCertain events may be limited to students with a confirmed registration and only confirmed registrants may attend these events.  

Employer Office Hours

Employers may schedule time to meet with students for informational interviews or as a precursor to an interview. If you have scheduled a 1:1 appointment with an employer but are no longer able to make the meeting as scheduled, you should cancel the session within Handshake or the scheduling platform utilized. If for any reason you are not able to cancel the session online, you should immediately email vcareers@usc.edu with your name, the company name, and the session time to request a cancellation. This should be done at least three business days prior to the scheduled meeting. 

No Show Policy

  1. If you miss an event or fail to cancel your RSVP at least three business days prior to the event date, your Handshake account will be flagged as a "No Show" and you will receive notification via email.
  2. If you miss an event or fail to cancel your RSVP at least three business days prior to the event date for a second time, you will be required to submit a letter outlining the proper use of RSVP. This must be submitted to the VCC Office (vcareers@usc.edu) within three business days of the missed event. Failure to do so will result in a suspension of your employer-facing event privileges until the letter is received.
  3. If you incur a third “no show,” your employer-facing event privileges, including on-campus interview access, will be suspended immediately and for the remainder of the current and following regular academic semester (fall/spring). You will be required to submit a letter outlining the proper use of RSVP and how you will have better time management to the satisfaction of the Viterbi Career Connections Office before your privileges will be reinstated.

      Job/Internship Offer Review & Negotiations

      Offer Timeline

      VCC details the expectations and timelines that employers are encouraged to follow in our Employer On-Campus Recruiting Guidelines. We ask that all Handshake-affiliated companies abide by it when recruiting our studentsincluding participation in career fairs, tech talks, on-campus interviews, etc. An employer's failure to do so could result in sanctions in their ability to access school recruiting platforms and activities; therefore, it is in their best interest to adhere to the guidelines.  Students should review the employer timelines and recruiting responsibilities below 

      Organizations are responsible for all representations and offers made to students by their recruiters. Employers should notify students in writing of the job offer's major components, including salary, location, benefits, and starting date. Students should be given sufficient time to make an informed decision regarding offers they receive. Listed below are the timeframes we recommend employers give students to accept an offer. We also strongly encourage all employers to follow the NACE position on Reasonable Offer Deadline Guidelines.

      Recruitment Cycle 


      Fall (Spring/Summer start) 

      A minimum of 2 weeks from the receipt of the written offer or November 1st, whichever is later. 

      Spring (Spring/Summer start) 

      A minimum of 2 weeks from the receipt of the written offer or March 1st, whichever is later. 

      Summer (Summer/Fall start) 

      When extending a full-time offer at the end of a student’s summer internship or an offer to continue the internship the following summer, we recommend that employers give the student until November 1 to accept an offer. 

      We understand that in certain circumstances, timelines do not align with regular university recruitment cycles. If an offer is made outside of the timelines recommended above, VCC will work with employers and students to find a mutually beneficial solution to their needs.

      *Note: Employers not participating in USC on-campus recruitment may have different timelines. Please consult with a VCC advisor to receive support for your unique situation. 

      Ethics of Negotiation

      It is assumed that you will negotiate in good faith with employers. This means you should negotiate with an employer only if you plan to accept the employer’s offer if the negotiation goes well. If you reach an acceptable compromise in your negotiations, it is assumed you will accept the position. Please only negotiate for more time and accept positions you are sincerely interested in. Accepting an offer only as temporary or as a precautionary measure while in search of another better offer restricts opportunities for other candidates. 

      Accepting an Offer

      Get your offer in writing before you accept. Make sure that you have read and understood your entire employment offer package, including benefits and non-disclosure agreements. Should you have questions, please consult with the Human Resources Department at the employing organization or your own legal counsel. Upon accepting an offer, whether verbally or in writing, you should uphold that commitment. Accepting an offer of employment constitutes your commitment to follow through on the terms of the agreement.

      Once you accept an offer, you must: 

      1. Discontinue submitting your resume or profile to job openings in Handshake, on job boards, recruiters, hiring managers, etc.
      2. Remove yourself from the internship/job search in both on and off-campus recruitment platforms.
      3. Politely decline all remaining offers by notifying the recruiters.
      4. Cancel all remaining interviews.

      Continuing the job search after accepting an employment offer is an unethical practice.

      Declining an Offer

      If you are declining an offer, inform the recruiter verbally as soon as your decision has been made, following your conversation with a thank you letter. DO NOT delay contacting the employer.  

      While making that phone call or sending that email may be difficult, it is unlikely unwelcome news will get better with time. Employers need to know you are declining their offer as quickly as possible so they can adjust their plans accordingly. Waiting until the last moment to contact them could force them into a situation they cannot remedy. 

      Reneging on an Offer

      Reneging is going back on a promise or declining an offer after accepting. Before you retract a committed offer, you should make every effort to avoid reneging on accepted job offers. Gather information, ask plenty of questions, anticipate other offers, determine your career goals and needs, meet with a VCC advisor, and request an extension on the deadline, all in an effort to make an informed decision regarding the offer of employment.

      Once that commitment is made, reneging on an accepted offer has a negative impact. Industries are small, and recruiters are well connected – you could potentially harm your professional reputation resulting in limited opportunities for yourself and fellow Trojans in the future.

      When reneging or terminating an internship before the contracted end date occurs, the VCC Director or Career Advisors will meet with the student to assess the situation and consult with the Associate Dean to determine the appropriate actions. Each case is considered individually, as there may be reasonable circumstances resulting in either students and/or employers altering their commitments.

      The following actions may apply to students who renege. You will be held to this standard regardless of if you found the opportunity through a USC resource or not

      First Offense of Reneging: The student must meet with a VCC Career Advisor to discuss professionalism and avoid similar situations in the future. The student must:

      1. The student must review the Returning to Professionalism Pathway on the EngageSC platform and pass a quiz.
      2. Write a formal letter of apology to the employers impacted by the reneging to explain the reasons for your actions, and a VCC Advisor must approve it before it is sent. VCC must be copied on this correspondence.

      VCC will reinstate access to on-campus recruitment, events, and job postings on Handshake, pending the apology letter and the workshop and quiz.

      Second Offense of Reneging: Immediate suspension of access to on-campus recruitment, events, and job postings in Handshake for the remainder of the semester and the following regular academic semester.

      Third Offense of Reneging: Immediate and permanent suspension of access to on-campus recruitment and job postings in Handshake.

      If dishonesty is involved, the behavior may violate the Honor Code and could be subject to additional penalties. 

      Published on December 5th, 2016Last updated on February 27th, 2025