Viterbi Startup Garage Presents: Environmental Resilience Technology: Sustainable Solutions Using Value-Added Analytics in a Changing World
Who: Natasha Stavros, (Applied Science System Engineer at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)
What: Global climate change and associated environmental extremes present a pressing need to understand and predict social-environmental impacts while identifying opportunities for mitigation and adaptation. In support of informing a more resilient future, emerging data analytics technologies can leverage the growing availability of Earth observations from diverse data sources ranging from satellites to sensors to social media. Yet, there remains a need to transition from research for knowledge gain to sustained operational deployment. Natasha Stavros (PhD), founder of WKID Solutions LLC, will present a research-to-commercialization (R2C) model and a case study using it to address the wicked wildfire problem through an industry-university partnership. Research-to-commercialization is non-trivial and that academic- industry partnerships can facilitate this process, provided there is clear delineation of i) intellectual property rights; ii) technical deliverables that help overcome cultural differences in working styles and reward systems; and iii) a method to both satisfy open science and protect proprietary information and strategy. The R2C model presented provides a basis for directing solutions-oriented science in support of value- added analytics that can inform a more resilient future.
When: Wed, February 28, 2024 (12 PM – 1 PM PT)
Where: Zoom (Register for Zoom Link)