Alumni Opportunities
Over 60,000+ Viterbi alumni live in over 50 countries around the world!
We are proud of the contributions of our alumni, as leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators – empowering society on a community, national and global level. There are many opportunities to stay connected to Viterbi! Our alumni remain actively involved in making a difference in students' lives and in the world!
Get Involved as a Mentor on Viterbi Link
Viterbi Link is your exclusive online mentoring platform where engineering alumni and/or current peer mentors share their career, industry, or school-related experiences and information with you. Connect on Viterbi Link to engage in mentorship, networking, and informational interviews.
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Alumni Career Resources
Career Resource Library
Search hard copy and online resources for career exploration, internships, fellowships, and graduate school.
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Additional Alumni Services
Explore additional alumni resources to make the most of USC's full range of online alumni career services.
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